
everyone's favorite mean girl

She's baaaack. And she's in trouble. Still.

Lindsay Lohan failed a recent drug test, presumably for cocaine. A warrant has been issued for her arrest and she will probably be back in jail for another 30 days. The judge will likely revoke her ability to leave the state of California, thus impeding her ability to film her current projects. In short, her career is shriveling.

Part of me wants to blame the judge who reduced her sentence in the first place and thought it would fix her. She served 13 days in jail and 23 days in rehab. The original sentence was 90 days each.

Part of me wants her to be an adult and deal with the consequences. Part of me just pities her. I mean, you probably wouldn't have become the contributing adult you are if you'd had a childhood like hers.

Friends say: Oh, aren't you glad that wasn't you?

I always reply: "It would never have been me."

Not that I'm better than Lindsay. If I had faced similar pressures, temptations, and paparazzi alone, who's to know? I could have ended up exactly where she is today. It's not that I'm special.

I just know that my family would never have let that happen to me. They wouldn't have allowed me to grow up too fast. Plus, I never could have done the films Lindsay did - I didn't look anything like those Mean Girls when I was 17!

Besides, if I had a criminal history and struggled with addiction, my family would definitely not have approved of this:

That's Linds, partying it up after she got out of jail & rehab. Coincidentally, it's the same night she failed her drug test. I mean, if it had been me, I'd have been interventioned a long time ago.

I'm not a Lindsay-hater by any means. A Lindsay-pitier, maybe. But also just grateful for Tony, Audrey, and Jake who keep me grounded.

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